100 Years From Today Gentleman We Shall Walk the Earth Again

Romeo and Juliet Translation Act 1, Scene 5

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PETER and other SERVINGMEN enter, carrying napkins.


Where's Potpan, that he helps non to take away? He shift a trencher? He scrape a trencher!


Where'due south Potpan, who's not helping usa clear the table? Has he even moved or scraped a plate?


When good manners shall lie all in one or two men's hands, and they unwashed also, 'tis a foul affair.


When all the proficient manners are owned by just ane or two men, and even those 2 are dirty, it's a bad thing.


Abroad with the articulation-stools, remove the court-closet, look to the plate. Skilful thou, salvage me a piece of marchpane, and, as thou loves me, let the porter let in Susan Grindstone and Nell.—Antony and Potpan!


Clear away the stools, sideboards, and plates. My friend, salvage me a piece of marzipan, and if you lot dearest me, have the porter let in Susan Grindstone and Nell. Antony and Potpan!


Ay, male child, ready.


Yes, boy, I'grand fix.


You are looked for and chosen for, asked for and sought for, in the bully chamber.


You're being called for, asked subsequently, and looked for in the great chamber.


We cannot exist here and there too. Cheerly, boys. Be brisk a while, and the longer liver take all.


We tin't be both here and there at in one case! Be cheerful, boys. Be quick for a while, and may the longest lived take everything.

PETER and the SERVINGMEN come up and go, setting forth tables and chairs.


Welcome, gentlemen! Ladies that have their toes Unplagued with corns will walk a tour with you. Ah, my mistresses! Which of you lot all Will now deny to trip the light fantastic? She that makes dainty, She, I'll swear, hath corns. Am I come near ye now?— Welcome, gentlemen! I have seen the 24-hour interval That I have worn a visor and could tell A whispering tale in a fair lady's ear Such as would please. 'Tis gone, 'tis gone, 'tis gone.— You are welcome, gentlemen.—Come up, musicians, play. [Music plays and they trip the light fantastic toe] A hall, a hall, requite room!—And human foot it, girls.— More light, you knaves! And turn the tables up, And quench the fire. The room is grown too hot.— Ah, sirrah, this unlooked-for sport comes well.— Nay, sit down, nay, sit, adept cousin Capulet, For yous and I are by our dancing days. How long is 't at present since terminal yourself and I Were in a mask?


Welcome, gentlemen. All the ladies who aren't suffering from corns on their anxiety volition trip the light fantastic toe with yous. Ha ha! My ladies, now which of y'all will pass up to trip the light fantastic at present? If whatsoever of you acts shyly, I'll swear she has corns. Have I hit the mark? Welcome, gentlemen. Once in that location was a time when I could clothing a mask and charm a girl by whispering a story in her ear. No more, no more than, no more than. You are welcome gentlemen. Come, musicians, play. [Music plays and they dance] Make room in the hall! Make room! Dance, girls.

[To SERVINGMEN] More calorie-free. Move the tables out of the way. Put out the fire—it's getting hot in here.

[To his COUSIN] Ah, sir, these unexpected guests are welcome. No, sit, sit, my Capulet cousin. We're too old to dance. How long has it been since you and I last wore masks?


Past'r Lady, thirty years.


By the Virgin Mary, I'd swear thirty years.

CAPULET enters with his cousin, TYBALT, LADY CAPULET, JULIET, The NURSE, and other Capulets. They see ROMEO, BENVOLIO, MERCUTIO, and other guests and MASKERS


What, man, 'tis not so much, 'tis not so much. 'Tis since the wedding of Lucentio, Come Pentecost as quickly every bit it will, Some five and twenty years, and and then we masked.


What, man? Information technology's not been that long, not that long. Information technology was at Lucentio's wedding. No matter how quickly the years fly by, it'due south been just twenty-v years since we terminal wore masks.


'Tis more, 'tis more. His son is elder, sir. His son is thirty.


Longer, longer. Lucentio'south son is older than that, sir. He's xxx.


Volition you tell me that? His son was just a ward two years ago.


How can yous say that? His son was nonetheless a small two years ago.


[To a SERVINGMAN] What lady is that which doth enrich the hand Of yonder knight?


[To a SERVINGMAN] Who is that girl on the arm of that man over there?


I know not, sir.


I don't know, sir.


Oh, she doth teach the torches to burn bright! It seems she hangs upon the cheek of night Like a rich jewel in an Ethiope's ear, Beauty likewise rich for use, for world too love. And then shows a snowy dove trooping with crows As yonder lady o'er her fellows shows. The measure done, I'll watch her place of stand up, And, touching hers, make blessèd my rude hand. Did my heart honey till at present? Forswear information technology, sight! For I ne'er saw true dazzler till this night.


Oh, she teaches the torches to burn down bright! She glows in the darkness like a gem in the ear of an African. Her dazzler is too skillful to exist used and worn, too precious for this world. Similar a white dove in a flock of crows, she surpasses all the other women. When this dance ends, I'll note where she stands, so I'll touch her hand and thereby bless my ugly 1. Did I ever dearest anyone before this moment? Renounce that love, my eyes! I never saw true beauty until tonight.


This, past his vocalism, should be a Montague.— [To his Page] Fetch me my rapier, boy.— What, dares the slave Come hither, covered with an antic face, To fleer and scorn at our solemnity? Now, by the stock and honor of my kin, To strike him dead I hold it not a sin.


By his voice I know that this human being is a Montague.

[To his Page] Become my sword, boy.

[To himself] How dare this punk come here with his face covered past a mask so he tin mock and scorn our celebration? To defend the honor of my family, I don't think information technology would be a sin to kill him.


Why, how now, kinsman? Wherefore tempest you so?


What'southward all this, nephew? Why are you so furious?


Uncle, this is a Montague, our foe, A villain that is hither come in spite To scorn at our solemnity this evening.


Uncle, that is a Montague—our rival. He's a rogue who'south come here out of spite to contemptuousness our celebration.


Young Romeo is information technology?


It'due south young Romeo, right?


'Tis he, that villain Romeo.


That'south him, that villain Romeo.


Content thee, gentle coz. Let him alone. He bears him like a portly gentleman, And, to say truth, Verona brags of him To be a virtuous and well-governed youth. I would not for the wealth of all the town Here in my business firm do him disparagement. Therefore be patient. Accept no note of him. It is my will, the which if g respect, Show a fair presence and put off these frowns, An ill-beseeming semblance for a banquet.


At-home yourself, gentle nephew . Go out him exist. He holds himself like a admirer of good manners, and, to be honest, everyone in Verona says that he is a virtuous and well-behaved youth. Not for all the wealth in this town would I insult him in my ain house. Be calm. Pretend you never saw him . That is my command, and if y'all respect me, you lot'll stop with all these frowns, which is no manner to behave at a party.


Information technology fits when such a villain is a guest. I'll not endure him.


It's the style to behave when a scoundrel like him shows up. I won't stand up him coming here.


He shall be endured. What, goodman male child! I say, he shall. Go to. Am I the master hither, or yous? Become to. You'll non endure him! God shall mend my soul, Yous'll make a wildcat among my guests. Yous will fix cock-a-hoop. You lot'll be the homo!


You will stand up him. What, boy? I say you volition. Go out of here. Am I the master hither, or you lot? Get out. Yous won't stand him? God salvage my soul, you'll first a anarchism among my guests! And you'll crow like a rooster, like you're the man!


Why, uncle, 'tis a shame.


But, uncle, we're existence dishonored.


Get to, go to. Yous are a saucy male child. Is 't so, indeed? This fob may chance to scathe you, I know what. You must contrary me. Marry, 'tis fourth dimension.— Well said, my hearts! —Y'all are a princox, go. Be repose, or —More calorie-free, more lite! —For shame! I'll make you quiet. —What, cheerly, my hearts!


Come up on, come on. Yous're an impertinent boy. Is that really how you think it is? This silliness is likely to come up back to harm you. I know what I'k doing, simply you feel the need to contradict me. Well, I'll show yous a thing or ii.

[ To the GUESTS] Well done, my dears!

[To TYBALT] You're an insolent male child, now go. Go along your oral fissure shut.

[To SERVINGMEN] More than lite, more light!

[To TYBALT]  You lot should be ashamed of yourself! I'll make yous be repose.

[To the GUESTS] Party on, my friends!

The music plays again, and the guests dance


Patience perforce with willful choler meeting Makes my mankind tremble in their different greeting. I will withdraw, but this intrusion shall At present seeming sweet, catechumen to bitterest gall.


The blend of enforced restraint with my burning rage is making me tremble. I'll leave. Simply I'll brand Romeo regret this prank, which at the moment seems to him similar such dandy fun.


[Taking JULIET'southward hand] If I profane with my unworthiest hand This holy shrine, the gentle sin is this: My lips, ii blushing pilgrims, ready stand To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss.


[Taking JULIET's hand] If I offend you by touching your holy hand with my ain unworthy one, then my lips stand ready, like two blushing pilgrims, to smooth my crude touch with a gentle kiss.


Good pilgrim, yous do wrong your hand as well much, Which mannerly devotion shows in this, For saints have hands that pilgrims' hands do touch, And palm to palm is holy palmers' kiss.


Skilful pilgrim, you are unfair to your hand. Your hand shows proper devotion by touching mine, merely every bit pilgrims reach out to touch the hands of saints. Holding palm to palm is like a pilgrim's buss.


Take not saints lips, and holy palmers likewise?


Don't saints have lips? And pilgrims, too?


Ay, pilgrim, lips that they must use in prayer.


Yes, pilgrim—lips they're supposed to utilize to pray.


O, and then, dearest saint, let lips do what hands do. They pray; grant k, lest organized religion plough to despair.


Oh, then, saint, let lips exercise what easily do: pray. Grant my prayer or my religion will turn to despair.


Saints exercise not move, though grant for prayers' sake.


Saints don't move, though they do grant prayers.


Then move not, while my prayer's result I take.


And so remain still while I pray.

Thus from my lips, past thine, my sin is purged.

At present your lips have cleaned the sin from mine.


Then have my lips the sin that they take took.


So my lips now have the sin they took from yours.


Sin from thy lips? O trespass sweetly urged! Requite me my sin again.


Sin from my lips? Oh, how you urge me on to another crime. Give me dorsum my sin.


You buss by th' volume.


Y'all kiss every bit if you've studied how.


Madam, your mother craves a discussion with yous.


Madam, your mother wants to speak with you.


What is her mother?


Ally, bachelor, Her mother is the lady of the business firm, And a good lady, and a wise and virtuous. I nursed her daughter that you talked yet. I tell you, he that can lay concord of her Shall have the chinks.


Well, immature man, her mother is the lady of the house. A good, wise, and virtuous lady. I nursed her daughter, who you were talking to just at present. I tell you, the man who marries that girl volition exist rich.


[Aside] Is she a Capulet? O love business relationship! My life is my foe'south debt.


[To himself] Is she a Capulet? Oh, what a price I've paid! My life is now owned by my enemy.


[To ROMEO] Away, begone. The sport is at the best.


[To ROMEO] Let'due south become, let'southward go, now while everything is still perfect.


Ay, then I fear. The more is my unrest.


Yes, information technology is still perfect now. But I'm afraid it will never be perfect again.


Nay, gentlemen, prepare non to exist gone. We have a trifling foolish feast towards.— Is it e'en so? Why, then, I give thanks y'all all. I thank you, honest gentlemen. Good night.— More torches here!—Come up on and so, let's to bed. Ah, sirrah, by my fay, information technology waxes belatedly. I'll to my rest.


No, gentlemen, don't leave at present. We have a flake of dessert arriving whatever moment. [They whisper something to him] Is that so? Then, I give thanks you. I thank you, honest gentlemen. Skilful night. Bring more than torches over hither! Come up on, let'south all go to bed.

[To his COUSIN] Ah, skillful sir, past God, it'southward late. I'm going sleep.

Everyone except JULIET and NURSE begins to leave.


Come hither, Nurse. What is yond gentleman?


Come here, nurse. Who is that gentleman over there?


The son and heir of old Tiberio.


The son and heir of old Tiberio.


What's he that now is going out of door?


Who'due south the 1 going out the door?


Ally, that, I think, be young Petruchio.


That, I call back, is young Petruchio.


What'south he that follows hither, that would not trip the light fantastic?


What about the one over there, who wouldn't trip the light fantastic toe?


Go inquire him for his name.

If he be married. My grave is like to be my wedding bed.

[To herself] If he'south married, I'd rather die than marry someone else.


[Returning] His name is Romeo, and a Montague, The only son of your great enemy.


[Returning] His name is Romeo. He'southward a Montague. He's the but son of your greatest enemy.


[Aside] My but love sprung from my only hate! Likewise early seen unknown, and known likewise late! Prodigious nativity of beloved information technology is to me, That I must love a loathèd enemy.


[To herself] The i homo I love is the son of the one man I hate! I saw him before I knew who he was, and learned who he was too late! What a monster love is to make me love my worst enemy.


What's this? What'southward this?


What'southward this? What'south this?


A rhyme I learned even now Of i I danced nevertheless.


A rhyme I learned just now from somebody I danced with.

Somebody calls "Juliet!" offstage.


Anon, anon. Come, let's away. The strangers are all gone.


On our way, on our way! Come along, let's go. The strangers have all left.


Source: https://www.litcharts.com/shakescleare/shakespeare-translations/romeo-and-juliet/act-1-scene-5

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